Why you can't make God say hi
Your delusion is temporary
Giving significance to our little blue speck
Even if you can't see the fire, let the fire men through
Why do "my" interpretations always seem harder to argue against?
Atheist TikTok culture
The logical way to prove a negative
Those who spoke with God still had faith
The REAL answer to "what if you're wrong?"
The foolish astronaut
If I'd been born in Iraq, I'd probably still be a Christian
An extraordinary response to the extraordinary claim about extraordinary claims
Why I have more faith in Covid than in God (short version)
Why I have more faith in Covid than in God
Some "Christians" are just atheists with instincts
Actually, God does believe in atheists. He calls them "fools".
It can never be wrong for a Christian to preach
Atheism and the No True Scotsman fallacy
Atheism's hypocrisy: Abortion and alleged infanticide
If evidence convinced these stubborn atheists, it obviously exists