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Bible Brian
3 min read
Vaccinate against sin
One symptom of Covid-19 hysteria is the irrational fear and hatred of the unvaccinated. People who, for whatever reason, are hesitant to...
Bible Brian
7 min read
Yes, my faith DOES exempt me from experimental drugs
In the modern world, few issues are as controversial as Covid-19 vaccines. Vaccine hesitancy, particularly towards Covid-19 vaccines, is...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Climate Alarmism and God's covenant with Noah
Climate Alarmism is a huge cultural trend. We're all going to die because we eat too many cheeseburgers! Ok, so it's a little more...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Christ vs. aliens
It's all too easy to brush aliens off as imaginary hogwash. Just another strange fantasy made up by men. Nevertheless, many people in...
Bible Brian
10 min read
There is no right answer to this
Without doubt, the most divisive issue in our world right now is Covid-19 vaccinations. Should Christians get it, or should they not?...
Bible Brian
4 min read
A short thought on vaccine compulsion
While it was called a "conspiracy theory" in the beginning, mandatory vaccines are becoming an increasingly popular idea. Whether they...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Does the Bible really say it is corrupted?
Bible corruption is a common argument from various different religions, but most arguments in its favor are so utterly destitute, even...
Bible Brian
4 min read
German scholarship gets wrecked by a 3 inch papyrus
Since men hate truth, a vast array of conspiracy theories have surrounded Christianity literally since its inception. A conspiracy...
Bible Brian
3 min read
It is OBVIOUSLY consistent to accept Christianity and reject other religions
One of the strangest arguments I have ever heard atheists present is that if we believe Jesus rose from the dead, we must also accept the...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Good Creationists are good stewards
If ever there was a religion that worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator (Romans 1:25), Evolution would be that...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Matthew 4:8 does not teach a flat earth
A surprising fact about flat Earth beliefs is that they are not as old as you might have been told. A cultural myth is that man has...
Bible Brian
10 min read
Ehrman vs. evidence
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the cornerstone of the Christian faith. If Christ did not rise from the dead, Christianity is a vain...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Daniel's prophecies are so accurate, sceptics try to post-date it
The prophecies in Daniel 7 and 8 are so accurate that skeptics have put forward the idea that it was actually written in the second...
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