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Bible Brian
3 min read
Emotions make poor arguments
Imagine two women. Both have experienced something horrific. One of them, a mother, has lost her child in a school shooting. The other...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Two kinds of Theological flaws
As Christians, we believe God is beyond reproach, and that the Bible, being His word, is infallible. A common problem, however, is that...
Bible Brian
2 min read
"There's debate on it"
Imagine a world in which Christians debated what it meant that Jesus rose from the dead. It seems absurd, doesn't it? It is literally the...
Bible Brian
3 min read
On the hindrance of imaginary hatred
As a highly emotional species, human beings tend to argue with our hearts as much as we think with it. It is far easier to "win" debates,...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Unnecessary attempts to seem profound
One of the drawbacks of social media is that anyone with anything to say can, in fact, say it. On the one hand, this allows Christians to...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Higher than a house...
One useful thing about comedy is that it is very often an exception that proves a rule. Comedy capitalises on the unexpected. You may...
Bible Brian
3 min read
"That's just your interpretation"
The absolute laziest sentence in any Bible discussion is "that's just your interpretation". It shows no effort what so ever, and can be...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Test all teachers, especially Bible Brain
Every good teacher will tell you what I am about to tell you: Test everything I say. That isn't just me trying to appear more credible,...
Bible Brian
4 min read
The early Church and the immortal Apostle
Though obviously not impossible, God's word is really rather difficult to twist. It usually requires the citation of single verses with...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Falling for gravity and bad hermeneutics
Prepare yourself for a shock, I'm about to say something revolutionary: The Bible is a rather large book. Ok, evidently no one is...
Bible Brian
3 min read
The validity of a what if
Here's a question that must be asked of any church claiming to be Christian: If I read the Bible and find something that contradicts your...
Bible Brian
5 min read
The Holy Spirit's role as teacher
I'm willing to lay this down as a rule: You have a problem if your church is teaching you that only your church is able to teach you. It...
Bible Brian
7 min read
Read your Bible before Satan reads it for you
Whether we like it or not, no human being is flawless. We are free from neither bias, nor cultural influence, nor even from our...
Bible Brian
4 min read
You're biased, too
One of the hardest things about apologetics is that while people are often blind to their own biases, they are certainly not biased...
Bible Brian
1 min read
False teachers on trial: The Bible means what it says!
Jehovah's Witnesses seem to be multiplying like rabbits around my local area. Several street corners, outside hospitals, colleges and...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Protecting our lampstands
At the beginning of Revelation, we find letters to 7 churches. These letters are strongly worded, filled with both praise and warnings....
Bible Brian
8 min read
Scripture means the same when quoted as when read
One benefit of basing your theology on the word of God is that you need to make very minimal alterations to the word of God. Obviously,...
Bible Brian
6 min read
The authority of a shopping list
Church authority is a common talking point when assessing doctrine. Some churches even claim you cannot study scripture independently,...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Exegesis vs. Eisegesis: The rules of hermeneutics
I often say that God does not give us His word so that we can draw our own conclusions, but so that we can draw His conclusions. When...
Bible Brian
7 min read
Exposing the man behind the Church's curtains
"Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain". These famous words from the classic tale "The Wizard of Oz" portray the end of an...
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