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  • Writer's pictureBible Brian

24 hours to refute long-age dogma

Evolutionary narratives have a tendency to explode as science develops. This constantly happens with things which were previously claimed to require millions of years. Long age dogmas depend on slow, uniformitarian processes forming things over absurd amounts of time. Now, however, we know that these things do not take so much time.

Interestingly, fossils can now be added to the long list of things Evolutionists used to insist need long ages to form, yet are now known to form over short time periods. Researchers at the University of Bristol now know how to make fossils in just a day. (1)

Of course, the fact that fossils form quickly was known (though vehemently denied) long before this happened. Evidence such as "frozen fossils" are common. For example, the fish in the header image. It's clearly in the middle of eating its dinner. Similarly, an ichthyosaur was found giving birth. A shoal of swimming fish were recently discovered appearing to be swimming, almost like the fossil was a photograph. Most famously, a velociraptor was found mid-combat with a protoceratops. Frozen fossils show that the burial process required to form a fossil must be swift.

But it gets worse. Commenting on the lab-made fossils, Evan Saitta stated "We could see exposed melanosomes, the structures that contain the biomolecule melanin that give feathers and skin their color, and scientists have found melanosomes in real fossils too." He continued to say "Less stable materials, like proteins and fatty tissues, don't show up in real fossils, and they weren't present in ours either." But actually, they do. At least, sometimes they do. Most famously, soft blood vessels have been found in t-rex fossils.

All of this combined tells us that not only do fossils not take too long to form, but also that they didn't form too long ago either. The evidence for the youth of fossils is so strong, it is tempting to say it is overwhelming (though unlike Evolutionists, I have opted to show a little restraint). The evidence certainly fits better with the Creationist worldview than the Evolutionist one. And for good reason. Evolution is a made up story. It is a pagan religion designed to set itself up against the knowledge of God. By contrast, Creationism is based on the historical account found in the written word of God.

Further evidence of Creationism comes in the form of a man. The Creator Himself once walked the Earth, not as a Spirit hovering over it, but as a flesh and blood human being. Jesus Christ was born as a man to the virgin Mary, and for 30 years, He lived and spoke as a man does, but with some unique features. He did what man could never do. He healed the sick by their faith in His word, rather than medicine. He cast out demons by commanding them. He controlled the weather, He walked on water, He transformed water into wine, He pulled food out of thin air, He even fulfilled ancient prophecies found in scripture. And He died. He died a brutal death at the hands of the most efficient killers history has ever known.

And He rose. Death had no power over Him. See, when He died, it wasn't a random tragedy. It had a purpose. Jesus died for you. As you rebel against God, you deserve death. But as God loves you, He would rather you repent and live. Therefore He punished Jesus, so that all who confess Him as Lord and believe God raised Him from the dead will be saved. It takes 24 hours to make a fossil, it takes less than 24 seconds to give your life to Christ and inherit a place in His eternal Kingdom.


1. Coxworth, Ben - Lab-made Fossils Cram 1000s of Years into 24 Hours, July 25 2018 (link)

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