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7 reasons dinosaurs aren't millions of years old

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

A huge part of the Creation vs. Evolution debate centres around dinosaurs. Did they die out millions of years before man existed, or is their death a result of man's sin? Evolutionists contend that the former is the case. If you believe dinosaurs existed alongside man, you're seen as crazy, stupid, maybe even evil. In fact, some Evolutionists can be so conceited in their views on dinosaurs that even other Evolutionists, such as Gerta Keller, have felt the wrath of Darwinian cultists for merely questioning that an asteroid, killed the dinosaurs. She has been described as "the most dangerous woman in the world,” who “should be stoned and burned at the stake" for expressing such a view. (1) But as much of a stronghold as Evolutionists have on academia, there are good reasons to doubt their narrative. In this article, I would like to present 7.

1) No one was around 65 million years ago.

Contrary to popular belief, the origins debate has nothing to do with science, and everything to do with history. All science is done in the present, but none of us have access to a time machine or a timeoscope. The past exists only in the past. It happened once. What that means is that if you want to know anything about history, you must go to history. Take, for example, the story of how gravity was discovered. Legend has it that Isaac Newton was sat under an apple tree when an apple fell from the tree and bopped him on his head. You can test gravity a million times over, because the same force that was active in Newton's day is active today, but there is no way to scientifically prove that he discovered it when an apple hit his head (and if memory serves, that's actually an urban myth anyway). So, let's imagine someone says "I dropped an apple, so that proves Newton's story". Does that sound logical? No, of course it doesn't. But that's exactly the way an Evolutionist sounds when he waves a fossil around shouting "we have the fossils, we win!"

Just as the discovery of gravity is a historical event that we can only know anything about because of historical record, so also is the extinction of the dinosaurs a historical event that we need historical record to tell us about (more on that later). But we don't have any historical records old enough to contradict any Biblical narrative! Therefore, even if the dinosaurs really did exist 250 - 65 million years ago, it would be impossible for us to know that because no one was around keeping track.

2) C-14 is found in dinosaur bones.

9 out of 10 Evolutionists believe Carbon dating proves the earth is millions of years old, but ironically, it's one of the things that proves dinosaurs cannot be. Carbon 14 decays so rapidly that after just 60,000 years, there would be no C-14 left in dinosaur bones. Yet C-14 is found in dinosaur bones (and a number of other things that are supposedly millions of years old). This means that dinosaurs simply could not have died out 65 million years ago. Some Evolutionists try to snap back by claiming that the bones that were carbon dated are still dated older than the Biblical time frame. This is a straw man. We are not claiming that C-14 dating actually works. However, the fact that C-14 is found in dinosaur bones makes it highly unlikely that they could be over 60,000 years old.

One especially damning fact is that some researchers presented their findings of C-14 in dinosaur bones at a Western Pacific Geophysics Meeting in Singapore. Their presentation was subsequently, without word to the researchers, removed from the conference website. Naturally, the researchers did enquire as to why, to which two chairmen replied "there is obviously an error in these data". (2) Translation? "This evidence doesn't fit our religious views, so we're going to censor it." I have yet to see an actual attempt to actually explain why there is C-14 in dinosaur bones, only furious censorship, so this argument is obviously particularly upsetting to Evolutionists.

3) Soft tissue is found in dinosaur remains.

Another thing that doesn't last very long is soft tissue. Just like C-14, soft tissue decays very rapidly. Yet, it is frequently found in dinosaur remains. There are a number of excuses Evolutionists make to try to explain why soft tissue from dinosaurs still exists, but the fact is, even under the ideal conditions, it is impossible to preserve it for more than a few millennia. The fact that we actually have red blood cells from a t-rex, as well as numerous other species, is more than enough proof that these remains cannot be 65 million years old. In fact, to paraphrase Mary Schweitzer, (3) dinosaur bones containing this tissue are indistinguishable from modern bone. Sadly, Schweitzer has also received harsh, yet fact-free criticisms from her fellow Evolutionists.

4) Fossils form quickly.

Literally everything Evolutionists once claimed takes millions of years to form has been formed, either deliberately or accidentally, in observable history. Canyons, islands, oil, diamonds, stalactites and stalagmites, and now we can add fossils to that list. Scientists at the University of Bristol can now just cook up fossils in less than 24 hours, and the resulting fossils are identical to the ones found in nature (4).

This, of course, doesn't prove that all fossils must have formed quickly (there are other ways to do that), but it does show that long ages such as the ones Evolutionists claim are necessary are, in fact, not necessary. Furthermore, while we have observed fossils forming quickly, we have not observed them forming over the long ages Evolutionists claim are required, and indeed could not. We have what we need, they literally could not get what they need. That gives Creationists a bit of an unfair advantage.

5) Dragon legends.

Dragon legends persist all over the world, many of them showing similarities to dinosaurs. Multiple, independent cultures tell stories of rather large reptiles which roamed, and even terrorised their lands, and many of the descriptions almost word for word describe dinosaurs. This is such a powerful evidence of dinosaurs living with man that Carl Sagan was forced to come up with a batty idea about how our ancient rodent ancestors passed down their memories of dinosaurs so that when we finally evolved into humans, we dreamed of dinosaurs and wrote about those dreams. (5) Sagan's theory acknowledges the problem dragon legends cause, but it fails dismally to solve it. The most logical explanation for multiple, independent cultures all believing they saw large reptiles similar to dinosaurs (especially dinosaurs whose remains are found in their respective locations) is that they genuinely did see these large reptiles.

6) Dragon artefacts.

But we don't just have written depictions of dinosaurs. We have actual depictions of dinosaurs. Many ancient artists weren't great at drawing or carving or sculpting animals, but much of what they did draw suspiciously resembles dinosaurs. From the long-necked sauropods to the plate-backed stegosaurs, numerous ancient artefacts clearly display dinosaurs, even avoiding mistakes modern palaeontologists occasionally make. This doubles the problem caused by dragon legends.

7) The Bible.

While Evolutionists arrogantly cast the Bible aside as just a book of fairy tales, the fact is it is the greatest historical record to have ever graced the earth. Ironically, Evolution itself would not exist if not for the hatred man harbours against this book. Mankind would not tolerate such ridiculous theories if not in an attempt to attack the truth of the Bible. Interestingly, the Bible itself has some interesting creatures described in it whose description matches dinosaurs. Behemoth, for example, sounds exactly like God would describe a sauropod to an ice age man.

Unlike Darwin, God was actually there when the earth was formed, mainly because He is the one who formed it. He was there when the first dinosaur took its first breath, and when the last dinosaur took its last. Because He was there, He is significantly more qualified to tell us when they lived and when they died. His word is far more authoritative than man's word.


All of the above facts mean we can all feel perfectly safe in ignoring the inane, religious rants of angry men who believe that doubting their narrative is worthy of brutal capital punishment. Dinosaurs are not millions of years old, but at most thousands. Even if we set God's word aside, the evidence for their "youth" is beyond compelling. God has been gracious enough to give us this evidence, further confirming that His word is true.

This is no small matter. If the Bible is not true, we can just throw it away without second thought. But if it is true, it's nothing to joke about. The same word that tells us how God created the world also tells us why He cursed it, and more to the point, how He is reversing that curse. Our sin, the same sin that brought death into the world, separates us from God completely, and by our own power, irreversibly. But although we can't reverse it, God can, and He is loving, and so He is willing to forgive us for our sin and grant us eternal life. All we have to do is what the evidence compels us to do: Believe. Not believe in dinosaurs, but believe in the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ.


1. Bosker, Bianca - The Nastiest Feud in Science, The Atlantic, What Really Killed the Dinosaurs, September 2018 (link)

2. Fischer, John Michael - Carbon-14-dated dinosaur bones are less than 40,000 years old. New Geology (link)

3. Schweitzer, Mary - Montana State University Museum of the Rockies; cited on p. 160 of V. Morell, ‘Dino DNA: The hunt and the hype’, Science 261(5118):160–162, 9 July 1993

4. Coxworth, Ben - Lab-made Fossils Cram 1000s of Years into 24 Hours, July 25 2018 (link)

5. Sagan, Carl - The Dragons of Eden, July 1 1992


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