For well over 3,000 years, the origin of the human race has been known to us, contained within a book known as Genesis. In it, we are told how one man and one woman were created just 6 days after the beginning of time itself. Several generations later, their descendants became particularly evil, causing God enough grief that He destroyed the entire world with a flood, sparing only 8 people. Several generations later, humanity was united, and purposed to build a giant tower. God, opposed to this plan, spread them across the earth by confusing their languages.
The result of this split can be seen today: many people groups with many different languages. The people within these different groups are commonly considered to be of different "races", and often share distinctive characteristics, usually related to skin colour. But because of the single origin of the human race, every now and then, children are born that appear to be different races than their own direct relatives. Most astonishing (to Evolutionists) is the rarely occurring phenomenon of duo tone twins. Seeing such twins together, one might assume they have very different heritages, yet they share the exact same ancestral history. Duo tone twins are a good reminder of the fact that we all share the same common ancestor: Adam. Because of this, we can all be saved by the "last Adam", Jesus Christ.