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Evolution and Wokeism: Evidence for the devil

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

It is often said that the greatest trick the devil ever pulled is convincing people he doesn't exist. In reality, however, I'm convinced people are ignorant of his existence solely because they aren't paying attention.

As a species, we were created to be uniquely rational. We understand things no other animal understands. We appreciate things no other animal appreciates. We can think and communicate thoughts, expanding upon them and sharing our expansions. By design, we even subjugate our animal neighbors, making use of their power. We put them to work, we eat them, we put them in zoos.

And, sadly, we did the same with our own kind. Ever since the Tower of Babel, mankind has been living in separate groups, and far too often, they get into petty disputes about which group is better. In the 1800s, a religion formed that amplified this problem a hundredfold. As Stephen Jay Gould, often regarded as history's most honest Evolutionist put it, "Biological arguments for racism may have been common before 1859, but they increased by orders of magnitude following the acceptance of evolutionary theory. The litany is familiar: cold, dispassionate, objective, modern science shows us that races can be ranked on a scale of superiority. If this offends Christian morality or a sentimental belief in human unity, so be it; science must be free to proclaim unpleasant truths."

Of course, I would agree that science must be free to proclaim unpleasant truths. I am, however, quite grateful to the God who created us that racist ideologies are more unpleasant than true. It is not true, for example, that the human race can be divided into 5 races: "the Ethiopian or negro type, originating in Africa; the Malay or brown race, from the islands of the Pacific; the American Indian; the Mongolian or yellow race, including the natives of China, Japan and the Eskimos; and finally, the highest type of all, the Caucasians, represented by the civilized white inhabitants of Europe and America".

The above quote (minus the emphasis, which I added) comes from A Civic Biology, which was published as recently as 1914 by Evolutionist Hunter George. But this idea did not originate with him. Darwin himself wrote that "At some future period the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races. At the same time the anthropomorphous apes will no doubt be exterminated. The break will then be rendered wider, for it will intervene between man in a more civilized state, as we may hope the Caucasian, and some ape as low as a baboon, instead of as at present between the negro or Australian and the gorilla."

Of course, this despicable attitude of "may the best race win" should be denounced, and I have indeed denounced it. But ironically, due entirely to the pens that wrote it, it has not been denounced as thoroughly as one might expect. Evolution is still firmly entrenched in our culture, yet so is anti-white racism.

As a society, we are quickly approaching a dystopia in which people will face a mob for a joke, books will be banned, and even "hate speech" laws will be passed, all in the name of suppressing the relatively non-existent threat of white supremacy, yet somehow, The Descent of Man is still praised as an excellent leap forward in biology! The Left will cheer upon hearing that whites will no longer be a majority in countries like the U.S.A., while continuing to mock you as a superstitious cave man if you reject a "theory" that suggested white people should be the majority, and by 100%! Modern Wokeism wants to effectively get rid of white people, Evolution wants to get rid of everyone except white people, yet somehow, there are large numbers of people in the world who will either swear by both, or hold to one and tolerate the other.

Now, God created us to be one of two reasonable beings. And although not everyone believes the creation part, most people will believe they, specifically, are capable of discovering truth. Evolutionists believe they have such a monopoly on truth, they will persecute anyone who questions their religion. In the same way, you should be wary of questioning anyone who claims they are "woke", because they do not believe in your right to dissent from their worldview. Both of these mutually exclusive groups will claim their views are true, and they are convinced by reason.

But notice the complete absence of reason! Individually, both views are not only wrong, but the arguments for them are ridiculous. But when you try to merge them together, as many people do, they form what is known as a "contradiction", which is one of the least reasonable things you can do. And despite the fact both views are utterly morally repugnant, they coexist in the same culture that views Christianity as evil for being too exclusive. It is, somehow, more bigoted to believe the Gospel than to believe white people should eliminate everyone else, or that everyone else should eliminate white people.

The fact that reasonable beings draw such unreasonable conclusions, and that those unreasonable conclusions happen to reach to such repugnant, sinful depths, should be more than enough to convince people that the devil exists. As we recognise the moon when it blocks the sun during an eclipse, so also should we recognise the devil when He interferes with our access to the light of God.

But men love the darkness.

As a species, we face the same enemy as our forefather, Adam. And for 6,000 years, he has been whispering to us "you shall be as God". We don't like all those annoying "thou shalts", and "thou shalt nots". We want to decide what's right and what's wrong. Sometimes, it's as simple as tolerating "small" sins. The white lies we tell, the pennies we steal, the naughty words we say. But it can grow as big as hating a certain group so much, we feel no pity for them when they face violence, and may even seek to inflict it ourselves.

Either way, though we are all made in the image of God, we all fall significantly short of His standards. By all rights, He should destroy us like we delete a bad selfie. But while we begin in a state of hatred towards Him, He always began in a state of love towards us. He does not take a shred of pleasure in our destruction. Though He loves justice enough to serve it upon the impenitent, He loves us enough to give us a beautiful alternative: The cross!

2,000 years ago, Jesus, the Son of God, took on human flesh, lived a perfect life, and died as would be appropriate for a sinner. Scripture says He actually became sin for us, that we might become the righteousness of God in Him. Therefore, though we are guilty, we have effectively swapped verdicts with God Himself! If we will only repent of our sin and believe in Him, He will look at us on the day of judgement and say He sees no sin in us. He won't see white people, or black people, He will only see Jesus. The alternative is a fate worse than Evolution.


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