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Yes, it's ok to be white

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

We live in an incredibly backwards world in which "stop hating people" is considered one of the most hateful things you can possibly say. In recent years, racism against "white" people has become ridiculously popular, even from white people. Critical Race Dogma is becoming the ruling paradigm, and to question it at all is seen as proof of concept.

But this abomination has not run unopposed. The simple phrase "it's ok to be white", a statement of the obvious, has become the battle cry of anti-racists of all skin tones. But unfortunately, even this has some heavy backlash.

According to one poll by Rasmussen Reports, only 53% of black Americans agree with the statement "It's okay to be white", with a shockingly high 26% disagreeing. On a lighter note, 76% agreed that "Black people can be racist, too". But even then, 27%, presumably including the same 26% who disagree that it's ok to be white, disagreed.

Now, I am the most optimistic pessimist you're ever going to meet, so I'm willing to hope that the 21% of black Americans who answered "not sure" to "it's ok to be white" simply weren't sure whether the statement is a factual presentation of the blindingly obvious, or a dog whistle for racists. If you define "white" as the superior race that, as Charles Darwin put it, "...will almost certainly exterminate and replace throughout the world the savage races", even I will say no, it is absolutely not ok to be "white". To believe in any kind of racial superiority, or that any "race" is inferior, is not ok. It is stupid, it is ignorant, it is repugnant, it is evil, it is wrong. But when most people say "it's ok to be white", and especially when the 53% of black Americans who agree say it, what they mean by "white" is simply to have a lighter skin tone.
"The Crayon Song Gets Ruined", by Studio C.

Now, personally, I don't think it's helpful to say "black" and "white", because no one actually has black or white skin. Consider this: Until the 1960s, the Crayola crayon we now call "peach" was actually called "flesh", referring to the fact the palm of human hands, regardless of their skin tone, is roughly that color. This became problematic, as school children would draw humans with this color, then mock their "black" classmates for not being the same color. But most people, wanting to draw human beings, do not reach for the black or white crayons.

Ultimately, skin tone is all caused by the same pigment, called melanin, which is dark brown. Melanin is produced by melanosomes, which are organelles inside cells called melanocytes. These special cells are found in the bottom layer of the skin. Your skin tone is determined by how large and dense the melanosomes are. The larger and more dense they are, the darker the skin color.

It's worth noting that the same pigment affects hair and eye color, two things that vary more wildly among certain populations. Yet, no sane person considers people with blue eyes or brown eyes to be a separate race, nor is blonde hair considered indicative of being a different race to a brunette.

To really illustrate the problem, consider the fact that two people of identical origin can have very much not identical skin tones. Take, for example, the two girls to the left, Kian and Remee. Remee (left) is "white", with blue eyes, and strawberry blonde hair, whereas Kian (right) is "black", with brown eyes, and black hair. These two girls are twins, whose "black" parents both had "white" mothers and "black" fathers. So they have identical ancestral histories, yet they're different races? One of them is seen as "superior" to the other because of the color of their skin? Do you see the major problems with this?

And there is another major inconsistency. See, apparently, "black people can't be racist", but there is an exception. If Kian, a "black" person, was to say it's ok for her "white" sister to be "white", that would make Kian the racist!

See, it wouldn't be the first time radicals have done something that stupid. In 2021, California ran a recall vote for Gavin Newsom (ironically, a white guy), whose incompetence during the Covid-19 pandemic shook California's faith in him. His opponent, Larry Elder, was slandered as "the black face of white supremacy". So, "black" people can't be racist, yet they can be racist if they don't buy into the idea that all white people are evil?

Remember earlier on when I said I wouldn't say it's ok to be white if we define white as some kind of master race? Well, it turns out, this really is what's going on here. But it's not on the part of those who say "it's ok to be white". Rather, it's on the side of those who claim to be against racism, when in reality, they are racist against white people. They can call Larry Elder the "black face of white supremacy" while still claiming black people can't be racist because they define "black" and "white" in other terms than skin tone.

Sometimes, this is even explicit, like when Joe Biden arrogantly asserted "...if you have a problem figuring out whether you're for me or Trump, then you ain't black." Personally, I can't think of anything more racist than a rich old white guy feeling entitled to the service and support of black people, but because Biden supports and peddles their racist narrative, the radical Left are quite satisfied to accept Biden and his ilk, whereas black Trump supporters, somehow, "ain't black".

But these people get a different treatment. They're called "uncle Tom", and considered "race traitors", whereas "white" people are blamed for all of history's evils. The radical Left act as if there was perfect harmony for millions of years until one day, white men discovered evil, and that evil became ingrained in their DNA, such that it would become impossible for them to ever cease to be racists.

Both the vaccine and the cure for this mental disease is to simply study the word of God. See, God did not make "black" people and "white" people. Rather, "...He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings, so that they should seek the Lord, in the hope that they might grope for Him and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us; for in Him we live and move and have our being, as also some of your own poets have said, ‘For we are also His offspring.’ Therefore, since we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Divine Nature is like gold or silver or stone, something shaped by art and man’s devising. Truly, these times of ignorance God overlooked, but now commands all men everywhere to repent, because He has appointed a day on which He will judge the world in righteousness by the Man whom He has ordained. He has given assurance of this to all by raising Him from the dead.”" (Acts 17:26-31)

It may be a cliche that we're all God's children, and it turns out that cliche is well over 2,000 years old. Nevertheless, it is true. This is because Adam, the first man (1 Corinthians 15:45) is the son of God (Luke 3:38), and his wife, Eve, is the mother of all the living (Genesis 3:20). There is a division of nations, not because of some hatred God has for some people over others, but so we may seek Him, and find Him, though He is not far from each one of us. In other words, it's not even like some people in some nations are favored over others. Every single individual lives, moves, and has our being in our omnibenevolent Creator. In other words, yes, all lives matter! My life matters. Your life matters. We are all made in the image of God, we are all loved by God, we are all desired by God.

But something is wrong with us, not because of our skin tone, but something far deeper. Starting with Adam, each of us rebelled against God and fallen short of His Holy standard (Romans 3:23). This is called "sin", and it carries with it a very heavy penalty. Specifically, it results in death.

God is quite clear: Each man shall die not for his father's sins, but for his own (Deuteronomy 24:16). That means you cannot judge white people today because of what other white people did in the past. Did white people do evil in the past? Yes. There were some horrible people in the past. Men like Anthony Johnson, for example. This despicable man became the first owner of a permanent slave in America, having gone to court and obtained the legal right to own John Casor for the rest of Casor's life. Oh wait, I should mention... Johnson was black.

But not all slave owners following Johnson were black. Most of them were white. And their actions were abominable, to the point where the law of Moses prescribed capital punishment (Exodus 21:16). But slavery has been outlawed in the civilised world for longer than any of us have been alive. In 1807, slavery was outlawed in the British Empire, following a long fight by William Wilberforce, a "white" man, and his ilk. In the U.S., following a civil war in which many "white" men gave their lives to this end, the 13th amendment abolished slavery in 1865.

As I write this, it is 2023. That means that for nearly 158 years, no British or American white man has legally owned a slave. Now tell me, how many white people do you know who are that old? My guess is you can count them on 0 hands.

I can tell you this much: I never owned a slave. I don't know anyone who has. I know of places where slavery is still legal, though given that the populations of these countries are predominantly "black", I'm guessing the Left won't want to speak about them. But slavery is literally not a thing in my country. None of the "white" people I know ever owned slaves, none of the "black" people I know could even ask their grandparents what it was like to be a slave. So no, you don't get to blame "white" people even for slavery, because that sin was committed before they were born, and it was legally abolished before they were born.

Of course, there are still some remnants of white supremacy continuing today. Notable white supremacist Margaret Sanger, for example, has been dead for nearly 57 years, yet her strategically placed "Planned Parenthood" murder mills continue to devastate the "black" population to this day, and they are aggressively defended by the same political party that opposed the abolition of slavery. This party, the Democrats, even argue that Roe vs. Wade should be codified into federal law not because abortion is a human right (which it isn't), but specifically because black women "need" it, since they tend to be economically challenged. But remember, in the words of Joe Biden, "Poor kids are just as bright and just as talented as white kids."

Because abortion is both still legal, and still occurring, it is a sin on many people's rap sheets. To this, God says "Surely for your lifeblood I will demand a reckoning; from the hand of every beast I will require it, and from the hand of man. From the hand of every man’s brother I will require the life of man. “Whoever sheds man’s blood, By man his blood shall be shed; For in the image of God He made man." (Genesis 9:5-6). Now, this isn't a charge to Christians to suit up and carry out vigilante "justice". In fact, the "unauthorised" taking of even a murderer's life is, itself, a sin, and carries the same death penalty. Nevertheless, Romans 13 tells us that the government "bears the sword" for purposes of punishing evil. Therefore, from a Biblical standpoint, the government has, and should responsibly wield, the authority to execute any "doctor" who dares to kill a baby. Though we can probably afford to distinguish between doctors, who know what they're doing, and mothers, who have usually been deceived, or coerced, into abortion.

But the really good news is that although we all deserve death equally, God offers forgiveness equally. He does not care what color skin He gave you, nor does He have any sort of desire for you to change your skin color, as if it was even possible. It is ok to be white. But it's not ok to be impenitent. Sin, all sin, carries with it an irrevocable death sentence. If you're a racist, you're a sinner, you deserve death. If you're a kidnapper, you should die. If you're a murderer, you're destined for an eternity in the lake of fire. But if you're human, you can be any shade of brown, you can be saved.

2,000 years ago, Jesus, the Son of God, became incarnate in human flesh. Entering our world through the womb of a virgin, Jesus lived a perfect life as a man, never once sinning. Jesus was not a racist. Jesus did not own a slave. Jesus did not kill anyone. Jesus loved everyone. Jesus died for everyone. Through His death on the cross, Jesus made propitiation for the sins of the whole world (1 John 2:2), meaning everyone can receive forgiveness for every sin they have ever committed.

The result of this is that everyone who receives this salvation has eternal life, which they will spend in a Kingdom where there are no "black" people or "white" people, but God's people. And there is perfect peace. Everyone there will, by their very nature, fulfill the two greatest commandments: Love the Lord with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, and love your neighbor as yourself. And that begins here, on Earth. We will never be achieve perfection here, but the Lord Himself said "“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust. For if you love those who love you, what reward have you? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? And if you greet your brethren only, what do you do more than others? Do not even the tax collectors do so? Therefore you shall be perfect, just as your Father in heaven is perfect." In other words, if all people became Christians, all this hate, all this violence, all this oppression, would just disappear in one night.

Sadly, many people will never know the love of Christ. They'll go through their whole lives with the most detestable beliefs. They will bring pain, misery, and suffering with them wherever they go, and as a fool who plays with fire, they themselves will be burnt. But their sufferings on the Earth are nothing compared to their just rewards. One day, they, too, will pass on from this life, and they, too, will stand before God. But not as His friends. They will enter His throne room as treasonous scoundrels standing before the King. And He will repay them according to their works. They will be thrown into the lake of fire, the second death (Revelation 20:14; 21:8), where they will suffer God's wrath for everything they have ever done.

Skin color was never meant as a status symbol. Frankly, if you hate someone because of how dark or light their skin is, you are an idiot. Your opinion is both factually and morally wrong, and you can add it to your list of sins. But by God's grace, you can add it to the cross, because God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked (Ezekiel 18:32; 33:11), is not willing that any should perish (2 Peter 3:9), and wants all men to be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth (1 Timothy 2:3-4). What kind of fool says no to that? How insane do you have to be to hate "white" people so much that you would rather spend an eternity in Hell than go to Heaven with the rest of the colorblind Church? Stop the hate, get saved.


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