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Please God, not men

Writer: Bible BrianBible Brian

There is nothing more disturbing to see than a Christian, real or heretical, trying to make the faith seem more palatable to the unbelieving culture. There are many things in the Bible the world doesn't like. Atheists believe in Evolution, so certain liberals try to fit millions of years into Genesis. Miracles are seen as unscientific, and so to a Naturalistic audience, a natural explanation is sought for most, if not all miracles. The natural order of the family is really not politically correct. "Wives submit" is seen as an abomination. As is the fact that only men can become pastors. So, does God really say these things? And obviously, the Bible's approach to LGBT issues is the main thing people hate about Christianity these days, and so many liberals will try to downplay, or undermine it. There is, for example, the claim that it's not all homosexuality that is opposed, just some awful Roman practice of sleeping with male children.

This is a tragic state of affairs. Do these Christians not have any faith at all? The Bible makes it very clear that human beings, as sinners, will often be offended by God. When we downplay the unpopular bits of the Bible, or try to reinterpret them to seem more appealing, we are really blaspheming. Evolution is false, miracles happen/ed, the husband is the head of the family, women cannot be pastors, and homosexuality is a sin. Is this unpopular? Yes. So are the many examples I did not mention (for time would fail me to address them all). Is this true?

Put it this way: Paul Himself said that if he sought to please men, he would not be a servant of Christ. If you seek to please men, you are not serving Christ. And this will not go well for you. Nor will it go well for those you deceive. Repent of these detestable heresies. If the world hates you, good! Ensure it hates you for preaching the truth in love, because it is far better to be hated for the truth than loved for a lie. Show courage, even in the face of human adversity, for the cowardly and unbelieving will have their part in the lake of fire (Revelation 21:8). And yes, that is another unpopular teaching, yet a teaching so true that Christ Himself preached it. Right before they killed Him.

Think about that: They killed Him. They killed Christ. Are you greater than Christ that you should avoid such a fate? Be grateful if He grants you a long life, and a peaceful death, because it is not something He owes you. He does not owe you life, health or prosperity. His blood bought you eternity, therefore live as if that were true, even if those who do not accept such a gift will hate you for it. Do not water down the word of God. Instead, be washed in the blood of the Lamb, and let others be encouraged to do likewise.


All Bible Brain materials are considered public domain, and may be reproduced with minimal credit, though obviously use wisdom.

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