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Praising God in frailty

Writer's picture: Bible BrianBible Brian

As proud as we can often be, it doesn't take much to remind us just how frail we are as human beings. Even the fact that we were made in the image of the Lord does not make us any less flimsy than a photograph without a frame. We fail in a number of different ways. We deliberately sin. We accidentally sin. We make mistakes. We fall for deceptions. Our bodies fail us. In both our flesh and our spirit, we are pathetic.

But rather than getting bogged down in our frailties, we should instead look to the one who is not frail. The God who never sins, the God who never makes mistakes, the God who can neither lie nor be deceived, the God who is the source of all strength, is so loving that He actually took on flesh, died a sinner's death, and rose again. Our weaknesses, because of Him, are now worth nothing. Rather than being something that can condemn us to an eternity of fire, they are temporary flaws that should point us to the one who never had any flaws of His own.

It is pride that causes us to focus on our flaws, but if we must focus on our weaknesses at all, it should never be to downplay our significance, but instead to say "yes, I am weak, but God is strong, and His grace is sufficient for me! In my weakness, His strength is made perfect!" (2 Corinthians 12:9).

Recommended song: Skillet - Stars


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