Separation of Church and State is the number one excuse political activists use to oppose justice in the American legal system. They used it to force God out of public schools and replace Him with Evolution, they used it to legalise gay "marriage", and they use it to justify the ongoing holocaust of children (mostly blacks) in the womb. But while American Leftists love to use the separation of Church and State to keep the Church from influencing the State, they are a lot slower to use it to keep the State out of the Church. Multiple cases, such as the famous Sweet Cakes case in the State of Oregon, show that the same people who cry about how Christians shouldn't seek to force their beliefs on other people are, in fact, quite happy to force their own beliefs on Christians.
This, of course, is not limited to America. Neither is it even really limited to the 21st century. For as long as there have been sinners, there has been a spiritual war between justice and depravity, and unfortunately, depravity very often wins (Christians, read Psalm 73 if you are feeling discouraged about this).
From a Christian perspective, this makes perfect sense. It is the exact picture the Bible paints of the human race. We especially see this in Romans 1, specifically verses 18-32. Unrighteous men reject God, and so God, in turn, rejects them. They then become more and more depraved, with an emphasis on homosexuality and other forms of sexual immorality. One cannot read Romans 1 without seeing the current political climate and the Left Wing agenda. It's almost like the wicked have read the Bible to see exactly how it says they will act, then used that as a script. One might even say, ironically, that it is the Bible that reads the heathen like a book.
This is one of many pieces of evidence that it is, in fact, true. To parody the famous line from Hamlet, methinks the sinner doth protest too much. On their own head be it if they continue this self destructive path, but it needn't come to that. God, in His infinite mercy, has reached out to sinful men with the most generous of offers: Repent and live.
See, God takes no pleasure in the death of the wicked, and is not willing that anyone should perish. As I like to say, there will be no one in Heaven who isn't supposed to be there, and no one in Hell who is. And so God provided an alternative to those who nevertheless deserve Hell (i.e. the entire human race). Rather than suffering His eternal wrath, Jesus came to Earth to live as a man, a life completely free of sin. He then died on the cross, and He rose again. All who believe this will not suffer Hell, but will instead inherit eternal life. Every sin you have ever committed, even murder, can be forgiven. The offer is open.
Recommended song: Come See - Michael W Smith