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The dinosaur tree

Writer: Bible BrianBible Brian

To an Evolutionist, the idea that dinosaurs and man lived together is sheer insanity. Dinosaurs and man are separated by around 63 million years of Evolution, therefore if you think man and dinosaurs lived together, you are insane.

This belief would, of course, be quickly dispelled if we found a living dinosaur. Man coexisting with dinosaurs would go from "insane" to irrefutable fact in one swift movement. But Evolutionists insist this is impossible, because dinosaurs are only found in rocks they claim to have dated to 65 million years or older. Any younger, there are no dinosaurs, and so Evolutionists insist that dinosaurs must have gone extinct 65 million years ago.

But the same can be said of the wollemi pine, supposedly AWOL for a whopping 150 million years. Professor Carrick Chambers, Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney, actually went as far as to describe it as "the equivalent of finding a small dinosaur still alive on Earth". (1)

"Living fossils", such as the wollemi pine, are not a rare occurrence. There are so many examples. Laotian rock rats, coelacanths, protoanguila palau, nautilus, living fossils appear all over the globe, and show a perfect lack of Evolution, being virtually identical to their fossil counterparts, and many of them being presumed extinct until they magically reappear "after millions of years".

Of course, none of them are as iconic as dinosaurs. We have yet to conclusively prove any of them survived. But it does put into perspective how arrogant it is to assume it's completely impossible for man to have lived with dinosaurs, especially with such flimsy evidence. We live with hundreds of creatures that were previously believed by Evolutionists to have gone extinct either before or at the same time as the dinosaurs, millions of years before man is supposed to have evolved. The more logical explanation for living fossils is that Evolution is false. We don't see any Evolution between modern animals and their fossil counterparts because there was no Evolution. Rather than being insane for believing, as the Bible says, that dinosaurs and man lived together until the dinosaurs eventually went extinct, it's an entirely possible and perfectly logical conclusion to draw.

With all this in mind, one has to wonder why Evolutionists are so aggressive in their claims about dinosaur chronology. There are so many holes in the story that the only reason to be so committed to it is if we desire it to be true. And there we have the heart of the problem. Evolutionists do have a strong desire for long ages to be true, because if they're not, the Bible might be. And if the Bible might be true, that means there might be a God to whom we are morally accountable. And if there might be a God to whom we are morally accountable, we're in trouble, because every single one of us has done something worthy of judgement.

But here's the good news: The Bible is true, there is a God to whom we are morally accountable, and He does have the right to bring it into judgement. Which He has. But as you may have noticed, you're not in Hell. This is because the sins of the entire world were credited to the only truly good person to ever walk the earth: Jesus Christ, the Son of God. By dying on the cross, Jesus took the punishment for every sin we have ever committed, allowing each and every one of us the opportunity to repent of our sins. Through faith in His death and resurrection, and only through faith in Him, we can be forgiven. So, we're faced with a choice. We can go the way of the Lord, or we can go the way of the dinosaurs. You don't need much more than the collective intelligence of the world's population of Wollemi pines to figure out which of those two options is better.


1. Chambers, Carrick, cited in "Jurassic Pot Plants On Sale Soon", Dr David Whitehouse, BBC News, December 25th 2003 (link)



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