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Bible Brian
2 min read
Hitler was obviously not a Christian
It is not uncommon for atheists to claim that Hitler was a Christian simply because he claimed to be. There are three main problems with...
Bible Brian
2 min read
I'm not telling you what to believe, I'm telling you the truth
In the modern world, Christians have a nasty reputation for being intolerant. Like all people, Christians express our beliefs, and we...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Hitler said Christianity was a pestilence
“Hitler was a Christian”, says every uneducated atheist troll with an axe to grind. While Atheists love to throw around the claim that...
Bible Brian
7 min read
That silly quote about cosmic Jewish zombies
When it comes to strawman arguments, atheists are second to none. Take, for example, this meme which continues to circulate to this day....
Bible Brian
4 min read
Would Christianity die without fear?
Is Hell really just a fear tactic used to convince people to become religious? The person shown in the above image certainly thinks so....
Bible Brian
5 min read
Speaking "truth" to an omniscient power
As the law is written on our hearts, you don't even need to be a Christian to see that tyranny is wrong. When a bad government does bad...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Our kids live, then die. God's kids die, then live.
One of the most desperate efforts atheists make to challenge Christianity is to point out that, even if God gave us free will, He still...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Ok atheists, who built Stone Henge?
Creationists often point out that while Evolutionists look at the world's most amazing machines and claim they gradually evolved from a...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Romans 2:14 and the moral argument
The day I meet an atheist who correctly understands the moral argument will be the day I drop dead of a heart attack. A frustratingly...
Bible Brian
3 min read
How atheists misunderstand omnipotence
There is a saying I believe every apologist should learn, just to make civilised discussion easier: "Never attribute to malice what you...
Bible Brian
5 min read
Ordinary evidence is good enough for a reasonable mind
If atheists did not have their snappy slogans, they would have nothing at all. One of those snappy slogans is "extraordinary claims...
Bible Brian
2 min read
The real bad guy in the trolley dilemma
In an effort to suggest that morality is not as absolute as the Christian faith would suggest, opponents often cite the trolley dilemma....
Bible Brian
4 min read
Punished for breaking made up rules
One objection atheists bring against the love and justice of God is that really, God is punishing us for breaking laws He made up. He...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Faith can be belief on top of evidence
Although non-Christian philosophies tend to be rather stupid, the people who profess them very rarely are. Atheists, for example, have a...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Why atheists can believe Jesus rose from the dead
If I told you right now that an atheist can believe Jesus really did rise from the dead and remain an atheist, you might reasonably...
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