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Bible Brian
3 min read
Atheism's hypocrisy: Abortion and alleged infanticide
The evil Bible argument is by far the most effective argument atheists have against Christianity, but it really shouldn't be. Its...
Bible Brian
4 min read
If evidence convinced these stubborn atheists, it obviously exists
We often hear from uneducated atheists that there is no evidence for God. This silly claim is easily refuted by the mere existence of...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Atheism is denial, Theism is instinct, Christianity is truth
"Atheism is so senseless and odious to mankind that it never had many professors." - Sir Isaac Newton The irony of the above quote from...
Bible Brian
6 min read
Atheists can't blame God for evil, whether He exists or not
The problem of evil is simultaneously one of the best arguments against God, and one of the worst. It's among the best because you can...
Bible Brian
2 min read
God cannot be objectively evil if morality is subjective
There is a tragic irony in that one of the most common arguments in atheism is the evil God argument. There's even a whole website...
Bible Brian
3 min read
What is the chief end of atheism?
One particularly strange objection I've seen to Christianity, or indeed to religion in general, is that it takes away the fear of death....
Bible Brian
3 min read
An important question every Naturalist must answer
Naturalists claim their worldview is based entirely upon evidence. They assert that they would accept miracles if evidence was presented,...
Bible Brian
3 min read
"Your life isn't valuable, but pretend it is anyway" - Atheism
Human opinion is a terrible way to measure truth. We all have our various opinions, and there is not one single issue on which there is...
Bible Brian
3 min read
"True" is not a swear word!
It used to be a well recognised fact that the only people who had a problem with the concept of truth were liars. Those who believed the...
Bible Brian
4 min read
The branded baby meme
Atheism and self awareness go together about as well as a nice, warm coffee and 5 spoonfuls of table salt. Several of the arguments they...
Bible Brian
5 min read
When did we become bound to moral absolutes?
Unfortunately for Evolutionists, morality is a concept exclusive to spiritual beings. Mankind has a concept of morality, but the universe...
Bible Brian
4 min read
What if we treated atheists like they treat the Bible?
An important rule that atheists constantly ignore is that context matters. You cannot just cut up the Bible until it says what you want...
Bible Brian
4 min read
God is not your mirror
In the beginning, God created man in His image. The very next thing man did was try to form God in his image. We are a very rebellious...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Don't wait until death to claim eternal life
One of the most terrifying attitudes to religion is "we'll find out when we die". Many use this as an excuse to delay, or even forsake...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Relativist arrogance
One of the most unpopular things about Christianity is its very exclusive nature. People in general are so full of pride that they don't...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Atheists: Save it for peace time
Persecution is a horrible thing our world could do without, but unfortunately, it still happens. From the very beginning of the Church,...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Atheism and my derpy dog
Atheism and consistency go together about as well as a jellyfish and a butt cheek. Atheists can often be found bragging about their...
Bible Brian
3 min read
God be less?
Atheists, ever the creative bunch, like to come up with a number of "clever" statements to give their case some emotional impact. One...
Bible Brian
3 min read
The scariest inconsistency in atheism
The argument from morality is undoubtedly one of the most powerful arguments. In the words of William Lane Craig, "it hits people where...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Atheists don't deserve special privileges
Atheism has never been an evidence problem, it's a heart problem. This can be shown just by the number of Christians who exist. Around...
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