Scripture vs. Racism
That time a white racist found out he's part black
How to hate your children
Can a woman ever have authority?
The moral implications of Muhammad's Boom Boom Room
Ghosts and their implications
Aborting the abortion debate
Abortion, bad pastors, bad government, and God
It doesn't matter how many children pro-lifers adopt
"You don't care long enough"
You're right, He is your God
The hypocrisy of abortion and gun control
Taking control of our idols
Some Godly thoughts on children and exotic pets
Book burning and your witness for Christ
Cultural dominance does not excuse racism
Is it rude to wish people "Merry Christmas"?
Not even a pandemic excuses breaking the third commandment
The teenage logic of "if you love me, you'll support my sin"
Is black skin the "mark of Cain"?