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Bible Brian
3 min read
Denial of free will proves free will
It never ceases to amaze me how many philosophies deny the existence of free will. The big three: Calvinism, Materialism, and Islam. For...
Bible Brian
3 min read
You might be insane if you believe this...
In logic, there are three fundamental laws, without which we literally cannot have a reasonable discussion: The law of identity (a thing...
Bible Brian
1 min read
Jesus is Allah?!?
Do Christians and Muslims worship the same God? Anyone with a basic understanding of both religions should answer "no", yet there are...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Bible corruption is a myth
Muslims have a major dilemma on their hands. In both the Qur'an and the Haddith, the Bible is held in high regard. Muhammad paid all...
Bible Brian
6 min read
God's verses in the Qur'an
One important takeaway from the book of Job is just how much control God has over Satan. Satan, contrary to the popular caricature, is...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Your religion may be growing, but is it growing for the right reasons?
One argument Muslims use for Islam is that it is the world's fastest growing religion. This is one of those arguments that I don't really...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Comparing the arguments the Qur'an and the Bible make for themselves
If you're a Theist, the chances are you believe your god is omniscient. Otherwise, why would you bother following them? It makes sense,...
Bible Brian
2 min read
The Bible or the Qur'an: Which is corrupt?
Generally speaking, if a religion does not identify as a denomination of Christianity, the simple response to a Bible quote is "I don't...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Would you want to live in an Islamic country?
What if I told you that right now, as you read this post, there is a Christian majority country in which religious freedom is severely...
Bible Brian
2 min read
The True Furqan: A Surah like it
If a person doesn't believe in gravity, the common response is "then go jump off a cliff". It's a simple challenge. If they won't jump...
Bible Brian
1 min read
A minimalistic summary of the Islamic dilemma
I'm not saying that if Muhammad hadn't affirmed the Bible, I would be a Muslim, but I am saying that in doing so in the Qur’an, Muhammad...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Muhammad feared questions
Those who preach the truth have nothing to fear from honest examination. If what you're saying is true, you'll stand the test, right?...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Why trust the self-proclaimed greatest of decievers?
A key difference between the God of the Bible and the Allah of the Qur'an is the ability of both to lie. The Bible declares that God,...
Bible Brian
2 min read
We transgress against Allah if we don't judge by the Gospel
There are many things in the Gospel that would firmly disagree with Islam. The divinity of Christ, the Fatherhood of God, God's love for...
Bible Brian
1 min read
Is Mary a part of the Trinity?
One thing that's clear from the Qur'an is that Muhammad really didn't know an awful lot about Christian theology. He didn't know enough...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Muhammad's view of women refutes his prophethood
For a man who claimed to speak in the name of the God who revealed the Bible (Qur'an 3:55; 61:14; 5:47; 5:50; 5:71; 10:94; 3:71; 42:13;...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Can God be tempted?
Some Muslims argue that since God cannot be tempted by evil (James 1:13), but Jesus was tempted by Satan in the wilderness, Jesus cannot...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Muslims know Christian doctrine better than Allah
As complex as the Trinity is to comprehend, it is nevertheless a fairly simple doctrine to understand and define. Do just a little bit of...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Islam invented too late to be Abrahamic
One fact that completely boggles my mind is that in the modern day, with all our great educational institutions, with our ridiculously...
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