Asking for scientific evidence for miracles is illogical
Blind faith in the sun
Facts can be legitimately described in many ways
Christians were never flat earthers because the Bible never told them to be
Are unicorns REALLY that unbelievable?
A surprising example of common sense from Family Guy
Jesus vs. faith healers
God gets credit for Jacob's flock
Same science, different philosophies
Joshua was justified in using the language of appearance, just like we do
Matthew 4:8 does not teach a flat earth
God is to science what the sun is to a blind man
Leviticus says bats are owph, not birds
Blind people must accept that color exists on faith alone
The moon still exists, though it doesn't cause insanity
Miracles require science to exist
Burning birth certificates: A response to Penn Jillette
Miracles aren't magic
Yes, the Bible is scientifically inaccurate. So is NASA.
Defending science ≠ defending Evolution!