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Bible Brian
2 min read
Paul's "regrettable" letter
Are there missing parts of the Bible? Are there canonical books that have been removed? A number of people answer "yes" to that question....
Bible Brian
4 min read
Santa vs. Open Theism
Open Theism is a strange heresy that argues while God knows all things "that can be known", the future cannot be known, and so God does...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Why you can't make God say hi
"You say your God can do anything. Have Him say hi". These words were displayed over an image of an empty chair in a meme I once saw an...
Bible Brian
4 min read
The folly of refuting the Bible by proving it
If you're going to make an argument against Christianity, that argument must do one of two things. The first is to deny it by showing a...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Open Theism's redundant phrase
A common faux pas in writing is the use of redundant phrases. That is, the use of unnecessary repetition of words, phrases, or ideas. For...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Refuting the argument from division with KJVOnlyism
The argument from division, or the argument from denominations, is a commonly used tactic among heretics and unbelievers alike. It is an...
Bible Brian
2 min read
New term proposal: Godgic
Suggesting there is a limit on God seems absurd at first, until you realise it is totally Biblical. Although the Bible clearly tells us...
Bible Brian
3 min read
You don't have to agree with a point to admit it's halfway decent
In any religious debate, you're likely to hear about "bias". "You only believe this because you're biased", "you're only saying that...
Bible Brian
5 min read
When God breaks living stones
"The hetero normative life that you're living (if you're not celibate) is not one that can satisfy you, and you've convinced yourself...
Bible Brian
1 min read
The Kingdom of God revealed at the Transfiguration
One convincing evidence for Christianity is that it is the only religion in the world that can boast of a 100% fulfilled prophecy rate....
Bible Brian
5 min read
Does Jeremiah 7:31 prove God didn't know something?
Attacks on God's fundamental attributes, such as His omniscience, don't always come exclusively from atheists. Sometimes, as just...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Iron chariots are not God's kryptonite
According to a surprisingly small number of atheists, iron chariots are the Lord's kryptonite. Citing Judges 1:19, they claim God was too...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Of billions of possible realities, God chose this one
A very popular meme that came out of Avengers: Infinity War is Dr. Strange's vision of 14,000,605 possible scenarios, and he declares...
Bible Brian
4 min read
If evidence convinced these stubborn atheists, it obviously exists
We often hear from uneducated atheists that there is no evidence for God. This silly claim is easily refuted by the mere existence of...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Atheists don't deserve special privileges
Atheism has never been an evidence problem, it's a heart problem. This can be shown just by the number of Christians who exist. Around...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Atheistic meme lacks self awareness
Self awareness is not a trait that is common among atheists. Take, for example, the argument from the plurality of religions. Atheists...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Sagan's invisible dragon analogy is a total failure
An atheist once asked me about Carl Sagan's dragon in the garage analogy. The analogy goes something like this: Two people are talking in...
Bible Brian
5 min read
Denominational differences are not an argument
What do Catholics and atheists have in common? Both use the large number of denominations as an argument to prove their case. For the...
Bible Brian
7 min read
What is evidence?
We often hear "there is no evidence for Creationism" or "there are mountains of evidence for Evolution". These two statements reveal a...
Bible Brian
6 min read
We should expect denominations to exist within the Church if scripture is true
Unbelievers often argue that Christianity cannot be true because there are too many denominations. In reality, a large number of...
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