Theistic Evolution is atheism + God
When making a case, it's important to not only consider who you are, but also who your audience is. It is important to consider who you...
Theistic Evolution is atheism + God
Is Evolution evidence of God?
CAN the Bible tell us the age of the Earth?
The Sabbath yom
History vs. Old Earth Creationism
Proverbs 3:5: Your "understanding" vs. His word
Destroy the myths, not join them
Adam and Eve: Clearly our original ancestors
Evolution is a religion
Two global judgements: Deny one, deny both
Why it matters to get Genesis right
Eden is gone
Dividing day from night
With God, "very good" IS perfect
A day is a day is a day
Why was Cain afraid?
Genesis 9:19 vs. the local flood lie
Old Earth Creationism: An unreasonable division
How the Big Bang got its name
No creation week, no Sabbath