Ezekiel's so-called parables
The wages of Theistic Evolution
Stop making covenants with the false god of Evolution
Adam: Son of God, not son of a monkey man
The flood was real
3 verses before compromise
Dinosaurs: Hinges of the origins debate
God is not a psycho who loves cancer
Marriage vs. Theistic Evolution
Your ignorance of God's purpose does not negate it
Genesis 1 DOES tell us how God created
Using basic math, yes, the Bible DOES tell us the age of the Earth
Proving the global flood with 1 verse and a science experiment
The human heart explained by a college student
Genesis is historical, now stop bickering
Practice did not make God perfect
Whence commeth the deadly tree?
Eve and the single origin of the human race
Cursed above all livestock - Yes, the fall affected animals
The bane of the local flood narrative