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Bible Brian
4 min read
The bane of the local flood narrative
A... "little known" fact about water is that it seeks its own level. By its nature, it is impossible for water to cover a mountain...
Bible Brian
3 min read
What would you expect to be different?
Whenever Evolutionists attempt to give evidence for Evolution, they often end up giving examples of things that are perfectly compatible...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Senseless violence is not "very good"
If you don't believe in God, I can understand why you might fall for Evolution. If you believe in a psychotic god, like Allah, I can...
Bible Brian
1 min read
If you admit the Big Bang is impossible, why add God?
One of the saddest things I've ever seen in apologetics is the argument that, since the Big Bang is so impossible, only God could have...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Should we pretend no one built our computers?
One of the sillier arguments Evolutionists put forward is that if we acknowledge the world as being created by God, we will have less...
Bible Brian
11 min read
Why I'm embarrassed to call William Lane Craig a Christian apologist
In our perpetually offended culture, it is seen as hugely offensive to call someone's views embarrassing. However, if my time in high...
Bible Brian
3 min read
2 Peter 3:8 even supports a young Earth when taken out of context by OECs
With the way Old Earthers cite 2 Peter 3:8, you would think their Bibles consist only of that and a few verses from Genesis 1. It is a...
Bible Brian
4 min read
You cannot be faithful to God, educated in His word, AND an Old Earth Creationist
Old Earth Creationism and similar views are a blight on the Christian faith. Though it is entirely possible to be a Christian and an Old...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Creationists aren't putting God in a box
To some Old Earthers, accepting an Old Earth is necessary because God simply wouldn't be strong enough to create everything in just 6...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Unbelievers aren't motivated to twist Scripture so it sounds more believable
It shouldn't need to be said that there is nothing in the Biblical text that supports an old earth. On top of this, throughout history,...
Bible Brian
4 min read
The best case against Theistic Evolution/Old Earth Creationism
About a decade ago, I was introduced to this awesome theologian who convinced me to become a Biblical Creationist. Though I am slightly...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Theistic Evolutionists lose the best defence against the problem of natural evil
The "problem" of evil is a very complex argument to answer, but the good thing about Christianity is that it is the only faith that can...
Bible Brian
9 min read
The fall MUST be taken into account
It's no secret that we live in a horrible world. It is still filled with enough beauty that it's obvious that it was created by God, and...
Bible Brian
5 min read
Theistic Evolutionists: Everything is against you
Of all the world's weird philosophies, Theistic Evolution is one of the ones I understand the least. We're not talking about an uphill...
Bible Brian
2 min read
The dragon on the beach
During a beach trip one day, me and my brother found this dragon made out of rocks. We were the only people around at the time. There was...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Creationism and the Eucharist: Are Christians hypocrites?
An understandable objection some Catholics raise against "Protestants" is the supposed hypocrisy in taking Genesis literally, whereas I...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Mockbusters and flood legends
Student: Hey, can I copy your homework? Friend: Sure, just change a few things so it doesn't look like you copied. And that's how...
Bible Brian
4 min read
The issue with mocking Adam and Eve while believing in abiogenesis
This article was originally written for Question Evolution Day 2020. Evolutionists and Creationists actually have a lot of common ground...
Bible Brian
2 min read
The sun is a clock
Genesis 1:14 tells us "Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Transitional forms would be too unfit to evolve
This article was originally written for Question Evolution Day 2020. Natural selection, contrary to popular belief, is a nightmare for...
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