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Bible Brian
2 min read
Lyell's snake oil
To accuse someone of having sold snake oil is not singing the highest praise. Yet that is exactly what Warren Allmon said of Charles...
Bible Brian
1 min read
Why do Evolutionists expect God to reinvent the wheel?
Common descent is neither the only, nor the best explanation for homology. Using the same, or similar design for the same, or similar...
Bible Brian
1 min read
Cambrian bunnies and the kamikaze ichthyosaur
When asked what evidence would convince them that Evolution is false, many Evolutionists claim that a bunny in the Cambrian would...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Lawyers prove facts don't speak for themselves
In an Evolutionist’s mind, Evolution is solid science, while Creationism is just a fairy tale that rejects the evidence. As one of their...
Bible Brian
1 min read
Missing lynx
Darwin recognised that one of the biggest problems for Evolution is that the fossil record doesn’t show a gradual change over time....
Bible Brian
2 min read
Evolutionist: If we don't brainwash kids, they might reject Evolution
Imagine a world in which the majority of society possesses highly refined critical thinking skills. They don’t accept what they’re spoon...
Bible Brian
4 min read
You can understand Evolution and reject it
Evolutionists often claim that those who don’t believe in Evolution simply don’t understand it. I have several points to make about this,...
Bible Brian
1 min read
Evolution needs bias
When it comes to science, bias is irrelevant. Any person with any bias can do the exact same experiment and get similar or identical...
Bible Brian
1 min read
Creationists CAN be scientists
In 2014, Ken Ham debated Bill Nye on the topic "Is Creation a valid model of origins in our modern scientific era". Ham began by claiming...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Refute the bad design argument? I cando.
When I studied biology, I was often amused by how my teachers would often accidentally admit intelligent design. One example I remember...
Bible Brian
1 min read
Science operates without Evolution
During his famous debate with Evolutionist Bill Nye, Ken Ham posed one simple question to Nye: "Can you name one piece of technology that...
Bible Brian
1 min read
Survival ≠arrival
The diagram above has three stages. In the first stage, there are 3 giraffes. In the second and third, there are 2 giraffes. Notice that...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Darwin's horrid doubt vs. Paul's simple solution
The big difference between Evolution and Christianity can be summed up in two quotes from their most prominent figures. The first figure,...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Belief in vestigial organs helped science... by being utterly wrong!
Vestigial organs have been a staple of Evolutionary apologetics since the religion was first established in the 1800s. Vestigial organs...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Evolutionist admits Evolution is a religion
The idea that Evolution is science while Creationism is religion might go down well with the general population, but every so often,...
Bible Brian
6 min read
Mechanic done it
Evolutionists like to claim that Christianity hinders science, as rather than look for real answers to questions about nature, we just...
Bible Brian
2 min read
How do you know the 99% are right?
I find it ironic when Evolutionists claim Christianity is a blind faith whose adherents cannot think for themselves only for those same...
Bible Brian
2 min read
You're more valuable than your food
Appeal to consequence is a logical fallacy in which someone claims that because a belief has negative results, or even negative...
Bible Brian
1 min read
Science is not a Democracy!
Evolutionists frequently cite the fact that Evolution is believed by the majority of scientists, and claim it is therefore indisputable....
Bible Brian
2 min read
Humans are still fish?
In one interview with Ray Comfort (1), atheist professor P Z Myers made the claim that human beings are still fish. Now, we can disprove...
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