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Bible Brian
1 min read
Bacterial motors necessitate design
Picture a hand held fan. Do I need much proof to convince you that someone made it? Do I need to march you to the factory where it was...
Bible Brian
1 min read
We'll talk about oort clouds when you find one
The existence of comets poses a problem for cosmic Evolution. Comets are effectively giant balls of dirty ice hurtling through space....
Bible Brian
2 min read
Test all things, even Evolution
"Evolution is the dominant religion in several Western cultures. Its first modern prophet, Charles Darwin, was born on February 12th...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Creationists are comfortable with scripture
A key difference between Biblical Creationists and Old Earth Creationists/Theistic Evolutionists is the emphasis on the doctrine of Sola...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Did God really say?
In the modern day, many Christians claim that Christianity and Evolution are not incompatible. The problem, of course, is Genesis....
Bible Brian
1 min read
Duo tone twins prove there is only one race
For well over 3,000 years, the origin of the human race has been known to us, contained within a book known as Genesis. In it, we are...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Thorns: Before man, or because man?
Evolution: thorns before man. Bible: thorns because man. Genesis 3:17-19 reads "And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto...
Bible Brian
2 min read
God is not a deranged sadist.
Some Theistic Evolutionists claim that Creationists are putting God in a box, because we say God couldn't have used Evolution. Let's talk...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Noah knew the flood would be global, and we can be grateful for that!
Many Christians today believe that Genesis is open for interpretation. The flood, for example, could easily have been local. Thankfully,...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Why is Genesis so uniquely compromised?
It is a scientific fact that virgins cannot conceive. It is a scientific fact that water doesn't turn into wine. It is a scientific fact...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Just because it looks predatory doesn't mean it is
All of the animals presented in the above collage have the build of a predator. Had they not been observed to be vegetarians, it is...
Bible Brian
2 min read
What's your backup plan?
Evolution is just one more religion designed to oppose God and set its adherents free to make their own rules. Some religions, like...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Ok atheists, who built Stone Henge?
Creationists often point out that while Evolutionists look at the world's most amazing machines and claim they gradually evolved from a...
Bible Brian
2 min read
How the Bible DOES say Earth is 6,000 years old.
The age of the Earth is a needlessly contentious subject in the Church today. It really was a settled topic throughout history. The...
Bible Brian
9 min read
If Evolution is true, bestiality is incest
A common objection to the Genesis account of creation is that, since God initially created only two people, their children would have to...
Bible Brian
3 min read
"Change over time" accommodates Creationism
The equivocation fallacy is an Evolutionist's best friend. By keeping Evolution as ambiguous as possible, it becomes very difficult to...
Bible Brian
5 min read
Could God have used Evolution?
Before we even begin to answer the question "could God have used Evolution?" we need to first understand that there are two possible...
Bible Brian
13 min read
The Augustine assessment
It should not surprise us when Christians who wish to defend a view that is contrary to the Bible appeal, instead, to extra-Biblical...
Bible Brian
5 min read
God's stated reasons for His timing
One very important question Theistic Evolutionists and the like must answer is simply "why"? Why did God, in their view, take so long to...
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