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Bible Brian
3 min read
You don't have to outrun the lion, you just have to trip your friend
Two identical scenarios for you. Bill and Ben encounter a lion in the wild. Scenario 1: Bill sacrifices himself to the lion, allowing Ben...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Evolution's main fallacies
Have you ever noticed that Evolutionary apologetics is basically one massive fallacy? Let's look at some examples: 1. Appeal to authority...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Evolution has no answers
"I recently asked more than 70 researchers if they would have done their work differently if they had thought Darwin's theory was wrong....
Bible Brian
4 min read
Natural selection: The bane of Evolution
Natural selection is a nightmare for Evolutionists. This sentence might confuse many people. Aren't natural selection and Evolution...
Bible Brian
2 min read
They fake more than they find...
This article was originally written for Question Evolution Day 2020. Despite boasting of "mountains of evidence", Evolutionists...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Arguing from consensus is anti-intellectual
Contrary to popular belief, there was never a time when there was widespread belief that the earth is flat. There were those who believed...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Nullifying Evolution's magisterium
"Consensus is invoked only in situations where the science is not solid enough." - Michael Crichton The science for Evolution is anything...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Evolution takes faith
The problem with transitional fossils is that, aside from being virtually non-existent, they would actually be impossible to prove. One...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Discussing "change over time" and its compatibility with Creationism
Evolutionists assure me that Evolution is just "change over time". Ok, well, 6,000 years is time, and speciation from multiple...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Bill, Ben, and a grenade
It is a well known fact that Evolution cannot account for morality. Unfortunately, it is also a well denied fact. Evolutionists,...
Bible Brian
3 min read
God's fingerprints are all over our design
One supposed evidence of humanity's common lineage with primates, such as chimpanzees, is the similarity of our fingerprints. Take, for...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Evolution's failed predictions and the crickets surrounding them
Picture the scenario: a Creationist says a thing could never happen. Say, for example, we say that no mutation will ever create a white...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Manor Heath Park's highly speculative sign
As a photographer, one of my favourite things to do is visit zoos, parks, and similar locations, looking for potential photo...
Bible Brian
4 min read
You cannot make a subjective mistake
Allegedly, this world is more than 4 billion years old, and humans have existed for around 2 million of these. That means that for...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Why did God even make monkeys?
If there's one question you don't want to ask an Evolutionist, it's "why do we still have monkeys"? But did you know some of them...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Pocket watches make bad compasses
In The Rugrats Movie, Tommy Pickles is gifted a pocket watch by his father. He and his friends then get lost in the woods. As toddlers,...
Bible Brian
4 min read
How much empathy does a shark have?
In an attempt to solve the moral dilemma, Evolutionists claim that empathy is a source of objective morality because it helps us survive....
Bible Brian
5 min read
The value of life comes only from the God who created it
Picture your country's currency. For me, that's the Great British Pound (GBP, £). We have various coins and banknotes representing the...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Things you won't hear from a competent doctor
Evolutionists often claim Evolution is essential to medical science, and that if we stopped believing in it, we'd go back to the dark...
Bible Brian
7 min read
Fossils for me, not for thee
One of the more hilarious elements of the origins debate is that both Creationists and Evolutionists brag about the support we receive...
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