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Bible Brian
5 min read
Theistic Evolutionists: Everything is against you
Of all the world's weird philosophies, Theistic Evolution is one of the ones I understand the least. We're not talking about an uphill...
Bible Brian
2 min read
The sun is a clock
Genesis 1:14 tells us "Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them...
Bible Brian
4 min read
We were created in the beginning
One argument attempting to defend Theistic Evolution is what I like to call the "red letter defence". A growing number of Christians take...
Bible Brian
6 min read
Theistic Evolutionists believe atheists more than Scripture
This article was originally written for Question Evolution Day 2020. The saddest thing about Question Evolution Day is the range of the...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Discussing "change over time" and its compatibility with Creationism
Evolutionists assure me that Evolution is just "change over time". Ok, well, 6,000 years is time, and speciation from multiple...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Why don't Theistic Evolutionists think Ken Ham is one of them?
Let's be honest here: The Bible's view on origins is perfectly clear. There is no room for Evolution, there is no room for long ages, the...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Which way does Old Earth Creationism compromise?
Consider this: When a person defends Creationism, it is almost guaranteed they are a Christian or a Jew. It is a necessary conclusion...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Theistic Evolution is Capoeira
It goes without saying that if you own slaves, the last thing you want is for them to learn how to beat you half to death in an escape...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Lions are scarier than internet trolls
The thing about Christianity is that every level of persecution is an occupational hazard. For most Christians in the civilised West,...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Important points for Theistic Evolutionists to consider
Theistic Evolutionists, I have some serious questions for you to reflect on: 1. Do you not find it strange that ever since Genesis was...
Bible Brian
2 min read
The Trinity rejects Evolution
The appeal to authority fallacy is, by far, the most common argument in defence of Evolution. Most Evolutionists either lack the ability...
Bible Brian
2 min read
An open letter to Theistic Evolutionists
Dear Theistic Evolutionists, Do you not find it remotely strange that for >3,200 years, Creationism was the dominant interpretation of...
Bible Brian
4 min read
Old Earth Creationism and Charles Lyell
Every time an Old Earther says Genesis wasn't supposed to be taken literally, they are admitting that this is what Genesis literally...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Prophecy goes both ways
The Bible is not just a book of history, but is also a book of prophecy. That is, it speaks about events that, at that moment in time,...
Bible Brian
2 min read
People can skip OECs and just read scripture
In the 1500s, a movement was launched to make the word of God accessible to the common man in their native language. Much sweat and blood...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Stop looking for allegory
When God promised the ever-rebellious Israel that He was going to send a forest fire as judgement, they claimed Ezekiel wasn't actually...
Bible Brian
3 min read
God says it better than we do, so why can't you understand Him?
When Creationists say we believe God created the heavens and the earth in 6 days, every single person on the planet understands what that...
Bible Brian
3 min read
Theistic Evolution: Creating real problems by "solving" imaginary ones
Although Islam has existed for a little under 1400 years, it's only very recently that the Church has attempted to compromise with it....
Bible Brian
9 min read
"Young" Earth Creationism: The unanimous historical interpretation
According to Jude 1:3, "the faith" (i.e. the complete set of correct doctrines God intends mankind to believe) was delivered "once for...
Bible Brian
2 min read
Creationism is the natural conclusion from reading the Bible
If you want to describe the Creationist position, all you need to do is read Genesis 1-11 out loud. If you want to describe the old earth...
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